The challenge

Differentiate quality herbs in a crowded market

The Herbs, Vitamin, Mineral and Health supplement category in recent years has exploded, there are many brands in the market offering similar products with similar benefits. With so many choices it is hard for consumers to know which product is the best one. Our mission was to differentiate Thompson’s from the crowd as a relatively new player globally outside New Zealand.

The insight

Herbal expertise is a strong point of difference

Within the natural healthcare category, Thompson’s reputation and point of difference is firmly based in its premium quality standardised herbal formulas. This is particularly relevant and true with their ‘One-A-Day’ herbal supplements. Leveraging this point of difference lies at the heart of our idea. The idea encapsulates as a single word what lies at the heart of Thompson’s brand equity. A single word that is ownable, powerful, emotive, true and campaignable.

SupHERBness is something we aim for every day.

The solution

One word equity to convey ‘best’

We set out to create a single word that is ownable, powerful, emotive, true and campaignable. Ultimately, we recreated an existing word that speaks to the high quality of the herbs, and the superb feeling you get from taking Thompson’s…and that is ‘SupHERBness’. The dictionary definition of the word ‘superb’ is ‘the best’, and given that Thompson’s produces the highest quality herbal supplements off the health, it was a perfect fit.

A name that lives up
to its claims.

Most outstanding brand marketing campaign.

Awarded by CMA

The results

A steady increase in sales

The results of the campaign were extremely positive. There was a market leading increase in sales nationally during the first burst of activity and continued to increase during the second burst of activity, highlighted with a sales spike. Brand awareness tracking results were also positive. The campaign was also awarded ‘Most Outstanding Brand Marketing’ campaign nationally by Complementary Medicines Australia.

Most Outstanding Brand Marketing campaign nationally